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Monday, March 31, 2008


Sanded and painted a patch in the master bathroom. Getting ready to install HVAC vent diverter. Yesterday I cut three more of the baseboard pieces. It is getting close to done.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Crimson tix

I have two KC tickets for Wednesday and Thursday at Park West. Friday not on sale yet, but I plan to be there.


Got my upper body workout on Saturday by raking the back lawn. Nice matching blisters on each thumb. Today my hands ache, but thanks to swimming, my arms and shoulders are fine.

Watched Box of Moonlight with John Turturro, good fun
Started watching Babel, visually stunning, scary and more. I should finish it today.

Tulips in the boxes are sprouting. The bulbs I planted last fall in the front under the pine tree are sprouting too - yipee!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

King Crimson tix

Tickets for the Return of the Beast go on sale today. I am suppressing my hatred of Ticketbastard to accomplish the acquisition. King Crimson has amazing powers over me.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Jennie O in her house

She has rarely used her house, but this time I caught her cooling off after a stint in the sun. Some day I will finish the siding and lay the carpet.


I made up for the abbreviated work out yesterday with a full 6000 yards today.
1500 warm-up - 3x500 Kick, pull, swim
5x400 swim, progressive, each 2nd 200 faster than the 1st, 30 sec rest
500 pull: free, breast, back
400 kick: breast
4x100 progressive 20 sec rest
400 pull
400 kick: fly, free
8x50 progressive 10 sec rest


I have been swimming like mad for about three months at the Riverplex. I have a new chart widget added to the blog showing my daily distance, but it doesn't want to update - I'm working on it. Usually doing 5000 yards a day, 4 days a week, more or less. Yesterday, they closed the (indoor) pool due to lightning (outdoors) after only 4075, so I guess I need to swim 6000 yards today to make up for it. I pedal my bike on my rest days.


I have been reading Bob Roll's Bobke II. Hilarious account of the life of one pro cyclist. A bit too much information about his digestion and his ala carte religion, but that's Bobke.

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

I see one of these beautiful woodpeckers almost every day at my feeder. He likes the suet. He is about the size of a robin and his red crest sticks up while he feeds. Today he was pecking noisily at the gutter on the house so I shooed him away. He has quite a distinctive call which he emits every morning when he arrives.

Chorizo Meatloaf

1 lb Ground Beef
1 lb Ground Pork
1 lb Ground Turkey
1 lb Chorizo
1/2 cup Rice
15 oz can of Tomato Sauce
1 Onion, diced
2 Garlic cloves, diced
2 Eggs

Whisk eggs into tomato sauce; then onion and garlic; then rice. Break up chorizo and add to mixture. Follow with other meats. Form into pre-greased loaf pans. Bake at 400°F for 90 minutes.